Benjamin Tristan's Portfolio
Currently in Irvine, CA


[web projects]
-BHS Library Site

©2009 Benny T. Creations
I was born in Santa Ana, California, but moved to Modesto, California when I was still young. I was raised in Modesto and slowly began learning about computers with my brother while still in middle school. I taught myself HTML and experimented with a few other languages, though nothing really stuck considering I had other curriculum on which to focus. When it came time to choose a college, my counselor suggested the University of California at Irvine because of its exceptional computer science program, and I went for it.

Currently, I'm a fourth-year undergraduate in Information and Computer Science with a specialization in Information Systems at UCI. I will be graduating in June 2010, but I hope to gain some technical experience now to help get a better start with the deteriorating job market when I graduate. I do intend to move back to Modesto after I graduate to pay off student loans and help my family get out of debt from bad luck from this economic crisis.

I am and always have been interested in web development, but my formal education has led me to learning invaluable programming concepts. I've experimented in x86 Assembly, Java, Haskell, Prolog, Python, and MySQL. I have learned professional programming methods in the event that I'm involved in management positions, including the best strategies for choosing software that would best benefit companies. On my own, I've learned a little bit of PHP, and I'm always looking to expand my own knowledge in it.

I also have a knack for computer troubleshooting and repair. While I'm only exceptionally versed in Windows machines, I have a thorough understanding of computer software and hardware, and often fix computers on my spare time. I hope to get my CompTIA A+ certification soon, as well as Microsoft certifications on Windows XP and Windows Vista.